Birthday blog: How I Eat and Move to Stay Healthy and Strong (Postpartum)

I just turned 41 !! and - except for a recent sciatica episode - I feel great. Healthy, strong, happy and beautiful.

I proudly achknowledge that my healthy lifestyle has helped me recover super quickly after both my pregnancies, despite my age. So I want to share some of my daily diet and lifestyle practices that help me lose weight postpartum, and continue to feel healthy and strong.

My self-love practices also play a huge role. Even though I still have a few extra pounds from my last baby, they don’t bug me as they would have in my 20s or 30s, as I know they’ll come off soon (probably when I stop breastfeeding and my hunger goes down a bit), and I’ve felt overall good in my body, and even energetic despite middle-of-the-night wakings (due to my baby). And this is huge, as I’m someone who NEEDS her 8 hours of sleep. So waking in the night to feed my baby is tough for me, and I KNOW it means I need to nourish myself extra well.

Therefore, these past months, I have placed tons of emphasis on eating enough nutrients and NO deprivation, to have energy despite waking up at night, and to support my breastfeeding journey. (Breastfeeding can be exhausting, and in my case, makes me very hungry!). And I love that this focus on NOURISHMENT (and NO calorie counting) helped me lose my baby weight the first 2 months, and after that, has really fueled me and helped me feel amazing at 41.

With this in mind, I want to share a typical day for me currently (and in these past 6+ months) so you have an idea of what it looks like to be healthy and well-nourished without any calorie counting nor deprivation.

Let’s start with the basics. Some key things I practice regularly that help me stay healthy and feel good include:

  • MINDFUL BREAKS. Daily time for breathwork or a quick meditation (even if its deep breathing while breastfeeding or walking my baby outside, but its conscious and focused, and I’m alone or with my baby and at peace; this is key!)

  • HYDRATION. I hydrate like crazy. I have about 2 cups of water upon waking, then my lemon water, then my matcha latte, then another water, then my morning smoothie, then more water …. all before lunch! And I’ve been adding trace minerals to my water, and most afternoons I’ll also have one glass of water with 1/2 an LMNT pack.

  • MOVEMENT. Staying active, including (most days) both AM and PM movement (even if its a 10 minute walk with my baby, or 15 minute barre/pilates class)

  • FOCUS ON BUILDING MUSCLE, eating enough protein and strength training

  • Extra HEALTHY FATS & OMEGA-3s. I eat about 2-3 avocados per week, tons of almond, cashew and peanut butter, as well as raw nuts and seeds, I drizzle extra virgin olive oil on my foods, I add coconut yogurt to my smoothies, and more…!

  • PROTEIN. About 100 grams of protein per day (I estimate I get about 90-105 grams daily). Since I’m breastfeeding I’m at the upper range of my protein range, about 0,8-0,9 grams per “ideal” body weight of 118 pounds, but once I’m done breastfeeding and back to my normal weight, I’ll probably decrease that to average 90 grams of protein.

  • FIBER. Adding acacia fiber to my morning matcha latte and my afternoon decaf coffee latte, as well as flaxseeds to my daily smoothie (+ taking magnesium at night) to help me stay regular.

  • ALLOWING FOR NUTRITIOUS SWEET TREATS. Allowing myself to enjoy healthy desserts every day (usually twice a day!). I’m getting all the wonderful benefits of cacao and organic dark chocolate (and all the other superfoods that I add to my desserts!). Some balance is key.

  • PRIORITIZE SLEEP. Going to bed earlier than usual to make up for the fact that I wake up at night at least once to feed my baby (a few months ago I was waking up 4-5 times, now I’m down to just once most nights) but regardless I need an early bedtime in order to get my 7.5-8.8 horus of sleep. My Oura ring has helped me a lot with this!

  • EAT THE RAINBOW, filling my plates with TONS of greens and other colorful veggies.

Here is my typical day:

7am: I start my day feeding my baby, then I stay in bed doing some deep breaths.

I drink tons of water and take my probiotics and warm lemon water. I brush my teeth (while doing some leg lifts!) and aim to step outside even if its for a 5 minute meditation

8am: Matcha-Moringa Latte with collagen and acacia, pinch of cinnamon and my homemade almond milk.

8:30-9:15am: Workout (and pump!). Sometimes it’s a 20 minute workout only, other days its 40 minutes. Depending on my day, how much work I have, etc.

9:30am: Breakfast: a loaded protein smoothie bowl + vitamins (while I journal and set my intention for the day)

(Go to Balance Market / work/ clients)

12:15pm: Small nutritious protein-rich snack (while I feed my toddler and infant their lunch) + a few more glasses of water (here I sometimes have 1/2 packet of LMNT electrolytes with my water for extra hydration).

Examples of snacks: a few seed crackers with hummus or babaganoush and homemade kale chips, or a small serving of homemade tuna or salmon salad with seed crackers or celery and carrot sticks, tomato-avocado-bean salad, a small slice of my seed bread with cottage cheese, etc.

back to work…

2pm: Lunch (+ dessert). I always start my lunch with a green salad (usually a mix of lettuces, microgreens and some avocado) then follow it with animal protein with cooked veggies and sometimes a legume/grain. Some of my typical lunches include:

For dessert I have (usually) either a few squares organic dark chocolate 80%+ cacao and/or 2 energy balls. I switch up my energy ball recipes (I’m currently loving these) and sometimes make them into squares (like my peanut butter chocolate fudge squares)

3:30 or 4pm: Decaf latte (organic swiss water decaf always, with acacia, cinnamon and homemade almond milk). I sometimes grab a few cashews or a slice of my banana bread or zucchini bread too, though I know its best not to snack! (When I feel compelled to lose a bit of weight, I’ll cut out this snack!)

5:30pm: either I teach barre OR I go for a quick stroll with my baby outside

6:30pm: Dinner (usually vegetarian) + healthy dessert. My go to dinners include:

  • vegan macro bowl (using leftovers usually!)

  • veggie curry (or this one with garbanzos) and some cauliflower rice on the side

  • 2 egg frittata or omelet with tons of veggies and 2-3 tablespoons white or black beans mixed in + sliced avocado

  • any creamy vegan soup (made with bone broth or I’ll add collagen) with an avocado toast (on my gluten-free seed bread) sprinkled with seeds

  • a generous piece of my vegan lasagna, or 2 slices of my Pascualina (it’s like a spinach quiche) or veggie quinoa tahini bowl - all three from Balance Market - with an extra egg and a small side green salad

My healthy desserts after dinner are usually 2 energy balls or 1-2 of my peanut butter chocolate fudge squares, or a black bean brownie, or chia pudding with granola and dark chocolate chips, or avocado chocolate mousse, and lately my tofu chocolate mousse.

Note: I try to listen to my body and only eat dessert if I really really want it, but honestly, these days I always feel I “need it”. When I’m done breastfeeding I will do a mini detox (one of my signature ones, join me for my next one!) to help me lower my sweet cravings and cut out one of my daily desserts.

8:30pm: Kids are asleep and I start my evening routine. I get ready for bed, do my self care (face creams, etc), and either read a book or watch a show with my hubbie (and these days I pump again at this time!)

9:30-10pm: SLEEP. I aim to be asleep before 10pm (but it doesn’t always happen!). If I went to bed later and woke up more than once to feed my baby, I’ll do my best to stay in bed a little later and push back my morning routine, because I know how crucial my sleep is!

So there you have it. TONS of nutritious foods all day long (including desserts!), tons of hydration, and movement both in the morning and evening (most days!), plus always some time for myself and my self-care, my family, friends and work.

Just remember everyone is different, we each have unique bodies and metabolisms, so please honor your bioindividuality. But I hope this inspires you to “UP your nutrition and self-care game”, and release the need to do unnecessary dieting! Because when we properly nourish our bodies, yes we can still lose weight and feel great!

Love and Balanced Nutrition,


My 5 best fitness tips

There’s been a recent wave of information pointing to all the benefits of heavier weight training, and it’s valid. The benefits are huge, especially for muscle building and weight loss.

However you go about it, building muscle is KEY for our metabolic health, and becomes even more important once we reach our 40s and we become more insulin sensitive. (We need to build more muscle so our glucose has somewhere to go instead of circulating in our bloodstream). Training to keep our muscles healthy and strong is not only important for how we look and feel, but also for blood sugar regulation, hormonal balance and weight loss!

BUT that doesn’t mean that walking, jogging, cycling, dancing, barre, pilates and yoga aren’t equally as amazing for your health! Same with most sports.

Keeping this in mind, I’m sharing my top 5 fitness tips to help guide you when you’re creating your exercise routine.

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Want to Balance Your Hormones and Optimize your Weight? Take these 4 steps!

Hormonal balance requires a holistic approach, including:

  • DIET: nourishing your body with a nutrient-rich diet

  • EXERCISE: engaging in regular physical activity

  • REST & STRESS MANAGEMENT: prioritizing sleep + managing stress, and

  • MINIMIZING TOXIC LOAD: reducing exposure to environmental toxins (as well as internal toxins!); start by switching to cleaner household products, clean beauty, etc.

I delve quickly into each of these points, giving you actionable steps in each category so you can start to improve your hormonal balance and overall health ASAP!

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World Health Day: 4 ways to embrace it and support your health

Happy World Health Day - a special day (April 7th) that serves as a reminder to prioritize our physical, mental and social health and wellbeing.

For me personally, my definition and understanding of health has changed a lot over these past 20 years since I’ve been immersed in the health and wellness world.

Given my journey, personal experience and years as a health caoch, this year I’ve drawn 4 key conclusions on how we can best prioritize our health (and then I share 4 things you can start doing today to put in practice)!

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My Half-Way Pregnancy Update

This week on Women’s Day I reached my 20-week half-way pregnancy mark, and I feel amazing, so I wanted to share some of the things that have helped me. I share both all of my daily lifestyle practices, and a deeper dive into my diet.

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While I am a big believer in an inclusive, varied and balanced diet, there are times when we are unknowingly consuming foods that are taxing our beautiful bodies and causing us to gain weight or just not feel our best.

For this reason, I am also a big believer in doing a periodic cleanse (like my 10 day detox) as a mini RESET, and an opportunity to check in with our bodies and see what might be affecting us.

The thing is, many of the foods we eat every day contain a ton of pesticides, and/or have an acidifying effect on the body, and/or are mucus-forming, and/or are simply difficult to digest. By avoiding these foods for 10+ days, you give your digestion a pause from these potentially inflammatory foods (while nourishing your body with an extra dose of superfoods, vitamins, minerals and proteins that help your body detox), and will be in a good place to re-introduce potentially triggering foods and see how they affect you.

LEARN MORE about what we eliminate and WHY (it’s useful info so don’t miss out!) in today’s blog…

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A Healthy, Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween!! This is such a fun time especially for the kids, but candies and sugary treats are floating around everywhere, and the sugar temptation is huge! It's once a year, so enjoy this funky spooky holiday... but make this year a HEALTHIER one - for both you and your family.

It CAN be done with just a bit more AWARENESS. Today I’m sharing TIPS on keeping your body healthy this Halloween, plus better alternatives to traditional Halloween candy (and more). Check out all my links, and please share with your family and friends so they can stay healthy, too!

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Cycle Syncing – How to Eat & Move During Each Phase of Your Cycle

As women, in order to feel our best and support our health, it’s important to understand our menstrual cycle and connect with the different stages and the hormonal fluctuations that accompany each stage.

This is the basis for what we call “Cycle Syncing” - which teaches us to connect with how our body shifts throughout our cycle, and use these changes to our benefit. It involves aligning lifestyle factors like diet, exercise, social commitments and more, in accordance with the different phases of your cycle to improve hormone balance, alleviate common PMS symptoms, improve fertility, and more.

The result is an increased sense of health, balance and connection to our femininity in our day to day.

Today I share my overall basic guide to cycle syncing to get you on your path to feeling better at every stage in your cycle, as well as improving your femininity and the connection to your body.

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8 foods to protect your skin from sun damage

You can spend all you want on improving your skin from the outside, but to get the best results, you also need to focus on improving your skin health from the INSIDE.

If you want beautiful skin, you need to start ADDING BEAUTY-PROMOTING FOODS into your daily diet (as well as reduce the foods that lead to oxidative stress and contribute to aging and inflammation).

This also applies to SUN-CARE. You can literally use food as sunscreen (in combination with your physical/mineral sunscreen of course). Apart from applying a good nontoxic sunscreen daily, it helps to consume certain foods that can help to protect your skin from the damaging effects of the sun's UV rays. 

READ MORE for eight foods rich in phytonutrients that may help protect your skin from sun damage, and promote healthy, beautiful skin.

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Today I want to shed light on a NEW “hot” wellness trend thats trending for 2023 : “movement snacks” - mini workouts of 5-15 minutes (or up to 30 mins) throughout your day.

Movement Snacks are great to help counteract all the sitting down at our computers or cellphones, and it’s a way to give us an energy boost instead of relying on food or caffeine. Also, it can be a better, more doable alternative to a one-hour workout that many of us don’t have the time for.

Even if you do have time for your 1 hour workout, adding in an extra 5-10 minute workout can be an amazing way to help regulate blood sugar, keep your energy up and add a bit more exercise to your days!

I share 3 awesome mini workouts to get you started on this Movment Snack trend!

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6 Tips to Stay Younger and Live Longer

Almost everyone wants to know what do to “boost longevity” and delay the signs of aging.

The good news is there is A LOT we can do in our day-to-day to help delay our aging (and feel younger and healthier for longer).

Even though we often associate genetics with aging, it is now well-known that only 20-30% of longevity is related to genetics, which means that environmental factors such as diet and lifestyle play a much larger role in how long we live (and more importantly, how we FEEL and LOOK while aging).

READ MORE for 6 (well researched) holistic practices that can help support longevity.

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My Year-End Ritual

Happy Holidays! Thank you for an amazing 2022! Here are some tips to finish your year in a healthy, love-filled, purpose-driven yet fun way.

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A common error when working out (+ how to fix it!)

Are you skipping your stretches when you work out?

Maybe you feel you dont have enough time to stretch and/or you’re “not flexible enough”. However, its important to understand that streching is actually just as important as the cardio/ strength training/ muscle building part of your workout. Its essential to help you recover, prevent injury, improve your range of movement, plus, stretching will help keep you young, flexible and with better posture!

I’m sharing 7 of my favorite stretches to practice regularly for a healthier, more flexible, injury-free lean and beautiful body.

Try doing 3-4 of these stretches during (or at the end of) each of your workouts, spending at least 1 minute in each stretch.

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your new favorite yoga booty flow - a 25 minute fun workout

This flow is the perfect workout for a day when you only have 1/2 an hour but want something effective that works you entire body (yet in a gentle way) with an emphasis on core and your "booty".


Este “yoga booty flow” es el entrenamiento perfecto para un día en el que solo tienes ½ hora pero quieres algo efectivo que trabaje todo tu cuerpo (de una manera suave) con énfasis en el “core” y tu "colita".

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Inside my (nontoxic) BEAUTY cabinet

I put lots of effort into making sure I'm only consuming the best quality (and healthy-for-me) products - both internally and externally. When choosing my beauty products, I give lots of importance to the ingredients used, the manufacturers, and I opt for organic when possible, as well as sustainable and plastic free. Plus of course, it's important that I enjoy the products, how they make me feel and that I see positive results.

With that in mind, today I'm sharing some of my current favorite daily beauty products (those I'm currently using) to give you a glimpse into some of the brands that I love and have worked for me.

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Anti-Inflammatory Diet: 3 steps to lower inflammation naturally

I wanted to write about the anti-inflammatory diet because, even though I’m against “dieting”, this isn’t really a diet; this is about creating a lifestyle of limiting inflammatory foods and regularly incorporating anti-inflammatory foods and lifestyle choices to support better health. It’s something that has helped me immensely, and I can testify that it supports gut health, hormonal health, and maintaining a healthy weight WITHOUT dieting. Following these tips that i’m sharing below will help a lot towards achieving your health goals, I promise!

The food we eat — and don’t eat — can help lower and even prevent this chronic inflammation, to help us feel better, lose weight and reduce our chances of illness.

Today I share 4 ways to enhance your diet and lifestyle to help you reduce inflammation and feel better overall.

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Lactation Energy Balls - the perfect bite for any mom (or dad!)

These no-bake treats take minutes to throw together, are filled with good-for-you ingredients, and make for the perfect quick snack or healthy dessert that are satisfying and won’t spike your blood sugar.

These energy balls are the perfect healthy dessert or snack for anyone, especially new moms. They contain anti-inflammatory healthy fats along with tons of fiber and cinnamon which can help control blood sugar and cravings, promote healthy digestion AND can help with postpartum weight loss. Lastly, these bites help promote milk supply and healthy lactation. Not to mention - they’re so good they’re borderline addictive!

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Here’s a peek at what was on my Holiday Wish List / Shopping List this year (and some recommended gifts, including great stocking stuffers). I’ve included a little bit of everything from cozy clothes, to clean beauty, to healthy kitchen staples.

Remember to gift yourself something this year, no matter how tiny. It’s important to treat yourself once in a while, especially after a long, hard year.

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11 Steps for an Empowered Life

I’m sharing 11 recommendations to be healthier, more present, more conscious, and live life to your fullest (inspired by a podcast 10 Steps for a Powerful Birth - from Taking Back Birth). These are principles that I’ve gradually introduced into my life since I started my health coaching journey, which I feel have helped me so much, so I wanted to share them with you today.

Here are 11 inspiring steps for living a healthy, balanced and empowered life.

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My Favorite Non-Toxic Hair Products for Gorgeous Hair

Today I’m sharing some of my best tips to take care of your hair health and my favorite nontoxic hair products.

First, remember beauty comes from the inside out. I recommend to start by improving your nutrition and lifestyle to heal your gut, manage your stress and balance your hormones. This is will have a huge positive impact on your beauty, including your hair.

While everyone is different, for beautiful hair in general I suggest loading up on whole-unprocessed foods, primarily plant-based with plenty plant-based proteins and unprocessed healthy fats. That’s my number one recommendation. Read more for my hair health nutrition tips HERE.

On top of that, we want to give LOVE to our hair, and for that, it’s essential to make the switch to non-toxic products. Below I share some of the best nontoxic hair products that I recommend

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