World Health Day: 4 ways to embrace it and support your health

Happy World Health Day - a special day (April 7th) that serves as a reminder to prioritize our physical, mental and social health and wellbeing. On this special day, I like to help expand our consciousness about the importance of health, and simple ways we can take better care of ourselves.

For me personally, my definition and understanding of health has changed a lot over these past 20 years since I’ve been immersed in the health and wellness world.

I’ve been through it all. My early 20s where I did all the fad diets, juice cleanses, you name it, yet I was disconnected from what my body really needed (which was primarily slowing down, and supporting my gut).

Then my late 20s when I started my health coaching carreer and I went ALL IN, experimenting with so many holistic protocols, I did detox retreats, colonics for my gut, experimented with reiki and crystals, saw numerous functional medicine doctors, I tried ALL types of workouts, and got certified as a barre instructor. It was all part of my necessary journey, but it took over my life and wasn’t “balanced.” I became too thin and that didn’t allow for proper hormonal balance.

Then came my 30s, when I finally healed, when I developed my daily, healthy routines (which are flexible and change depending on my stage in life, but they’re completely ingrained in me now). Since I became a wife, then a mother, started my physical business on top of growing my online business, my priorities shifted a little and I definitely became more BALANCED.

And now I’m 40, pregnant again, and although I still have my goals of doing more retreats, delving deeper into the latest health discoveries, getting my infrared sauna and red-light mask - in the future, for now, I’ve realized that I’m healthier than ever just living my normal, busy yet balanced life with my healthy routines. I don’t diet and I don’t do extremes. I eat everything (though I know I function best minimizing gluten, dairy and sugar, and I NEED my veggies in every meal), I meditate and exercise daily, not because I force myself to but because its just part of my (unconscious) routine that makes me so happy and feel amazing. My kitchen, cleaning, laundry and beauty/self-care products are all fully non-toxic, I step into nature daily, I sleep 8-9 hours daily (except when breastfeeding!) but nothing takes effort anymore. It’s just the life I live now, which I understand is always evolving. I’m excited to see what will be of my late 40s and 50s!

Given my journey, personal experience and years as a health caoch, this year I’ve drawn 4 key conclusions on how we can best prioritize our health:

  1. Focusing on our daily habits. It’s what we do 90% of the time that really matters, it’s our day to day habits. what we do when we wake up, how we typically eat and move our bodies, and manage our stress, how we sleep, etc. And if we want to improve our health, we have to focus on making micro-changes to our daily habits. Sure that once a year retreat is great, those fun yoga and brunch workshops are amazing, that summer weight-loss challenge at work can be motivating,,…but what we’re doing at home (unconsciously) on a daily basis is what matters most. Similarly, that twice a year heavy celebratory dinner is not whats making us gain weight!

  2. Understanding, accepting and loving our bodies. If we are constantly comparing ourselves to others, critisizing our bodies, and focused on CHANGING our bodies, … that is NOT health. We need to embrace our beautiful, always changing bodies, understand that our body changes with time, with important events (like pregnancy and postpartum), and find ways to SUPPORT and love our bodies so we can manage these transitions in the healthiest way possible. But it starts with understanding that every body, skin, and metabolism is different, and we have to get to know and respect our own constitution. Ask yourself: what types of food, movement and work make me feel best? That’s why I’m a huge fan of Ayurveda for example.

  3. Prioritizing a HEALTHY GUT and BLOOD SUGAR levels. These two things - gut health and blood sugar balance - are the basis for good health, and the core of any successful healing protocol. They are key to having good energy, clear skin, a strong immune system, balanced hormones, and essential to properly recovering from illness, feeling good and maintaining our ideal weight range. The good thing is, to achieve a healthy gut and a healthy glucose we DO NOT need to diet, calorie count, nor obsess. We need to enjoy balanced healthy meals focused primarily on whole-foods and lots of diversity of natural foods (and personalized to our gut). We need to exercise, sleep and manage our stress. Yes, we sometimes need to do a short-term healing protocol and detox to help correct gut imbalances, but all of this can be done in a flexible, easy, enjoyable way.

  4. Healthy food, and a healthy lifestyle, can be and should be ENJOYED. We need to find what works for our unique body to stay healthy and feel good, and minimize foods that don’t support our gut health and our glucose, but there is no need to have “forbidden foods” which creates a restrictive mindset and is often counter-productive. Focus on eating 90% of the time those foods that you know make you feel good and support your health, and find delicious ways to cook them so you really enjoy them. Focus on moving your body in a way that is fun for you. And going back to my point one - make these supportive meals and movements part of your day to day routines. Learn to love them!

With all that being said, here are 4 ways you can support YOUR HEALTH on this world health day. My suggestion is to try focusing on 1 thing in each category!


    • TALK to your body, then listen. Ask it what it needs. Often it’s more rest, liquids, a long bath and loving kindness (not booze nor sugar)!

    • ACCEPT your beautiful, unique body and give it words of praise and love daily. Give it thanks, too!

    • TREAT YOURSELF to a massage, accupunture, sauna, yoga class, a detox,…something that will support your health, and make you feel amazing after.

    • Make the switch to NON-TOXIC beauty and skin care products… this is important for giving healthy love to your body!

  2. NOURISH your body with good, HEALTHY FOOD.

    • Eat slowly and consciously, chewing and savoring each bite. Enjoy your meals!

    • Add GREENS to every meal.

    • Eat COLORFUL meals, with a wide variety of veggies, fruits and other plant-based foods (accompanied always by protein and healthy fats). Aim to have 2 different colored vegetables with each meal.

    • COOK a meal at home, with your family, using natural ingredients (avoid packaged, processed foods/ingredients as much as posssible). And if you use packaged foods, read ingredients!

    • Invest in organic foods!

  3. Give love to your body with extra SLEEP and MOVEMENT.

    • Aim for 7.5 to 9 hours sleep. Go to bed 1/2 hour earlier tonight and/or wake up 1/2 hour later. You deserve it.

    • Minimize blue light before bed, and consider turning off wifi when sleeping if that’s an option.

    • Try a new fitness class, something that you can enjoy, and do it with a friend!

    • Take a long walk/hike in nature with family (or friends).

    • Do one relaxing, comforting activity FOR YOU every day. Ex. read a book, take a long bath, get a beauty ritual or massage, get some alone time, cook your favorite (healthy) meal, etc.


    • Spend some time in SILENCE, even if its just 2 minutes when you wake up. Ideally sit outside or get some natural light.

    • Relax your mind. Spend 5 mins disconnected from technology, meditate or just breathe. It can also be having a coffee/tea, and listening to someone talk.

    • Nourish your brain. Listen to a podcast and/or read a book.

    • Take 3 long, deep belly breaths. Do it now!

    • Write in a journal (regularly), do a grattitude list (ideally daily).

    • Call a friend, just to see how they’re doing, to catch up, and laught!

It’s amazing how much better we can feel by just applying one or two of these things every day. Remember, it’s what we do CONSISTENTLY, that become daily habits, that really move the needle.

If you set a goal to achieve OPTIMAL HEALTH and feel amazing, you can do it! 100%! It just takes consistent daily action. One thing at a time and we’ll all get there.

Check out my related Instagram posts HERE and HERE.

Wishing you so much love and Holistic Health,
