I am a big believer in eating as many different foods as possible, and filling our plate with a wide variety of vegetables, other plant-based foods (like nuts and seeds, legumes, fruits), as well as animal-based proteins (for those of us that choose to include them).

In general, it’s best to INCLUDE as much as we can, and only exclude what doesn’t make us feel good or foods that can be negatively affecting our health in this moment (we are always changing). Generally, we benefit from incorporating all major food groups and avoiding extremes.

That being said, we are often unknowingly consuming foods that are taxing our beautiful bodies and causing us to gain weight or just not feel our best, which is why I am a big believer in doing my 10 day detox as a mini RESET, and an opportunity to check in with our bodies and see what might be affecting us.

Many of us suffer from difficulty losing weight, constipation and/or bloating, headaches, joint pain, skin bumps/rashes, afternoon slumps of energy or even fatigue. We assume these symptoms are “normal” because we’ve lived with them for so long, or that they’re just part of our aging process.

However, all of these symptoms may be attributed to the foods we eat on a regular basis...

As part of my 10 day detox, we avoid the most triggering of these foods to relieve the burden on the immune and digestive systems. NOTE: My summer/fall version of my detox (which I’m offering one last time at the end of this month, with updated content including videos!) is great for beginners where we only eliminate the most common inflammatory foods and gut triggers. If you want something a bit deeper, you MUST also sign up for my January cleanse, where we eliminate a few more common allergens.

In both cases, this TEMPORARY PAUSE helps us make that connection between the symptoms we feel and the foods we eat.

Many of the foods we eat every day contain a ton of pesticides, and/or have an acidifying effect on the body, and/or are mucus-forming, and/or are simply difficult to digest. By avoiding these foods for 10+ days, you give your digestion a much-needed pause from these potentially inflammatory foods (while nourishing your body with an extra dose of superfoods, vitamins, minerals and proteins that help your body detox), and will be in a good place to re-introduce potentially triggering foods and see how they affect you.


While it may seem like there are a lot of foods we avoid during this 10 day cleanse, there’s actually A LOT of delicious, nutritious foods left to enjoy. And I encourage everyone doing my detox to focus more on what we are ADDING IN and much less on what we are removing.

Some of the foods we enjoy include: blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, cherries, peaches, plums, kiwi, guava, papaya (and more), as well as asparagus, green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, all leafy greens, zucchini and squashes, lentils, quinoa, free-range chicken, wild-caught local fish and salmon, almond, walnuts, cashews, chia, flax and hemp seeds, and TONS of other yummy whole foods.

I share so many amazing, delicious recipes to enjoy these foods, plus options for you to create your own detox-friendly plates with whatever you have in your kitchen. Part of my mission is to get you to step out of your comfort zone and explore new foods, new recipes, and to realize that healthy “detox-friendly” meals can be (and should be) enjoyed even more than your commonly heavy, inflammatory “favorite” meals.


In case you are wondering, today I share the main foods we remove in my 10 day detox and the main reasons why:


Dairy products (including milk, cream, cheese, yogurt and butter) are generally highly mucus forming and create acidity in the body. Plus they often contain aflatoxin, which has been linked to liver problems, impaired immune function, and malnutrition.


Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, farro, rye, spelt, and kamut. Many people have a gluten sensitivity they’re unaware of – which is not the same as celiac disease, but the symptoms are similar. Gluten is linked to many inflammatory health issues including digestive problems, brain disorders, skin conditions, and insulin resistance. Plus, when we remove gluten, we’re by default removing a lot of the processed foods that we’re used to consuming, which are contributing to our inflammation for many other reasons, too.


Soy is a very common allergen, plus its most often genetically modified and can cause hormone disruptions.

Corn is also a common allergen that is typically genetically modified. Plus, corn is a grain that’s relatively high in sugar and can spike our glucose/insulin levels.

SHELLFISH, HIGH-MERCURY FISH (especially warmer water tropical fish)

Warm water tropical fish and shellfish have a higher risk of carrying parasites and of heavy metal contamination. So we choose to be extra careful. For those of us living in a tropical country like Nicaragua, it’s obviously harder to avoid these fish but we at least choose those that are guaranteed to be wild-caught and smaller, lower mercury fish.


Red meat is almost always stuffed with hormones and antibiotics, is acidic to the body, and puts unnecessary stress on the organs. *I sometimes make some exceptions for 100% organic lean cuts of meat


Peanuts are the most common food allergy among kids, and while most eventually outgrow it, it’s still a very common food sensitivity among adults. Peanuts often contain a bit of a toxic mold called aflatoxin, and lots of chemicals in the non-organic varieties.

CITRUS FRUITS (excluding lemons/limes)

Oranges and other citrus fruits, as well as strawberries, are known to be allergenic foods, and grapefruit can block certain enzyme processes in the body.

While these are great low-sugar fruits (I’m a big fan of organic strawberries in my day to day) its still worth excluding them to check if we don’t have a food sensitivity to them. Strawberries are also one of the highest pesticide foods (often ranks 1-2 in the Dirty Dozen).

Note: We also avoid bananas, grapes and dried fruits, as they’re very high in sugar (the same goes for bottled fruit juices).


1) Coffee is addictive and disruptive to your sleep cycle (and hormones). Plus non-organic coffee is high in pesticides, and in general, coffee has a slightly acidic effect on the body.

Note on Caffeine in general: Caffeine is a stimulant that can wear down the adrenal glands and make us more tired. People have all different kinds of reactions to caffeine, (mostly due to the variability in genes to process caffeine through the liver). Some people process it quickly with no problem, while others metabolize it slowly and get symptoms like racing heart, jitters, and even anxiety when they drink it. That being said, there are some studied benefits, so I say its worth OBSERVING, and trying to see how you feel eliminating/minimizing it for 10 days and how your body reacts.

*With coffee, I make some exceptions for some clients, which I explain more in the detox.

2) Alcohol is high in sugar, and often contains gluten (beer and hard liquor) and sulfites (wine). Not to mention that it’s dehydrating and taxing to the detox organs.

For your day to day, I like to remind you: Many studies suggest that the people who live the longest are those who are not heavy drinkers nor abstain completely from drinking, but have an occasional glass of red wine. Much like caffeine, so much depends on the state of our liver and our individual ability to process alcohol in the body.

3) Sugar in all its forms provides a false sense of energy with zero nutritional value, and numerous studies link it to obesity, high cholesterol, food cravings, and problems sleeping. In general, removing processed sugar will help balance blood sugar, reduce pathogenic bacteria in the gut, and keep your energy and mood more stable.

On these 3, I want to emphasize: It’s common for people to become dependent on processed sugar, caffeine and alcohol. Dependency can be physical and psychological. Removing dependency allows us to enjoy these items from time to time without significant health consequences.

I personally am a big believer in BALANCE, and I include regularly my matcha latte, occasional coffee, my high quality 80-90% dark chocolate, and glass or 2 of red wine. But I do feel the benefits (for my introspection, spiritual self and long-term health) of removing them completely for short periods of time, just to check in. And I encourage you to do the same!

Additionally, in my January-February more comprehensive detox, we also eliminate EGGS and NIGHTSHADE VEGETABLES.


Eggs are a common allergen, and even those that don’t have a full blown food allergy to have a food sensitivity to eggs. *I personally love eggs as they are nutrition powerhouses, BUT if you have consistent health issues, its worth testing if you have a sensitivity to them.


Nightshade vegetables (including potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, and sweet peppers) are often rich in alkaloids that can be mildly toxic to some people, and they are thought to impair digestion and increase inflammation in the body.

Remember, A LOT OF THESE FOODS ARE HEALTHY WHOLE FOODS and great to eat if we tolerate them. This is just a short period of time where we take a break from these foods to give our digestion a mini break, while we boost our detox organs and elimination pathways, and then give ourselves the opportunity to test out any food sensitivities.


Ready to do a deeper dive into your health, and GIFT yourself a gentle detox? Let’s do this!!

References: a lot of my data and sources comes from the excellent, well researched functional medicine doctors - Dr. Alejandro Junger (Clean) and Dr. Frank Lipmann (Be Well)