Lactation Energy Balls - the perfect bite for any mom (or dad!)

I’m a huge fan of protein “energy” balls. They’re perfect to satisfy my sweet tooth, and I love that I can make them super healthy so I don’t feel bad about having 2-4 every day!

These no-bake treats take minutes to throw together, are filled with good-for-you ingredients, and make for the perfect quick snack or healthy dessert that is satisfying and won’t spike your blood sugar.

Being prepared with healthy snacks is an important tool in sticking to any healthy eating plan. These protein balls come in extra handy when we are busy mothers, especially if we are still breastfeeding, and need an extra boost of energy (and/or comfort).

These balls contain anti-inflammatory healthy fats from many sources of Omega-3’s along with tons of fiber and cinnamon which can help control blood sugar and cravings, and promote healthy digestion. They can also help with weight loss (especially shedding of postpartum weight).

These particular balls also have 5 key ingredients that support milk supply – OATS, FLAX SEEDS, SESAME SEED TAHINI, ALMOND BUTTER and SHATAVARI. These ingredients are all known as “Lactogenic foods”, also known as galactagogues, that contain phytoestrogens and other chemical properties that help stimulate lactation.

NOTE: I haven’t found scientific evidence that proves how eating these foods boost milk supply, however, they have been used for centuries as lactation boosting foods, and I have felt personally that they help (as have many women I know!) in conjunction with lots of water, good overall nutrition, deep breathing and of course, lots of breastfeeding (consistent nursing and pumping both help). So regardless, I say it’s worth a shot to include these ingredients in your diet. At worst, they still have tons of other health benefits!

OATS: contain plant estrogens, which have been associated with the stimulation of milk glands. It also has a fiber called Beta-glucan, which can increase the levels of prolactin (a hormone that is responsible for producing milk) in the bloodstream.

FLAXSEEDS, TAHINI, ALMOND BUTTER: all have phytoestrogens that can influence breast milk production, as well as fiber and essential fatty acids, protein and calcium that support healthy milk supply.

SHATAVARI: is known to help support hormones – both female and male – but especially used for women who are breastfeeding and women who have low hormones. Shatavari is an adaptogenic herb that comes from the asparagus family of plants, and is used widely (especially in Ayurveda) to enhance reproductive health and acts as a general tonic for women of all ages.

The name itself represents the herb’s ability to enhance fertility and vitality. Shatavari is used as a blood cleanser, to boost your immune system, to gain strength and muscle, and even helps calm gastritis. On top of this, while Shatavari can benefit all women, it’s commonly used around pregnancy and in particular for breastfeeding women. Shatavari is a galactagogue known for its lactation benefits, that not only helps with milk supply but also helps nourish new moms.

**However like all herbs, its best to check with your doctor before using. Some holistic doctors prefer to avoid using in women with excess estrogen, especially if they have weak metabolisms.

Lactation coconut-cocoa energy balls



1.      Add all ingredients o a food processor up to the dates (all except 3 Tbsp cacao nibs, coconut and chocolate chips if using) and blend until a thick paste/ball forms. Scrape down sides as needed. Add the cacao nibs and extra coconut and pulse.

2.      If mixture is too thick, add 1 Tbsp water or coconut oil and pulse. It should be thick and scoopable. 

3.      Scoop out 2-Tbsp amounts and arrange on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Option to add some shredded coconut after rolling and/or 3 chocolate chips per ball. You should have 18 to 20 balls.

4.      Set in freezer or refrigerator to firm up. Once firm to the touch, they're ready to enjoy. Store in fridge for up to 10 days or in freezer for up to 3 months.


Bolas energéticas de coco-cacao de lactancia


* 1 1/2 tazas de avena orgánica molida, remojada en 3/4 taza de agua (y más si hace falta q quede remojado)

* 1/4 taza de linaza

* 1/3 taza de tahini orgánico 

* 1/2 taza de mantequilla de almendras 

* 1/4 taza de semillas de cáñamo

* 1/4 taza de coco seco rallado (+ extra para agregar al final y para enrollar)

* 2 cucharadas/scoops de proteína vegana de chocolate 

* 1 cucharada del booster Majka *opcional

* 2 cucharadas de polvo de algarroba + 1 cucharada cacao (crudo, orgánico) en polvo (si no tienes algarroba, usar solo 2 cucharadas cacao en polvo)

* 1 cucharada de shatavari

* 1/8 cucharadita de sal marina

* 1/4 cucharadita de canela molida

* 7 dátiles medjool (remojados) (aprox ¾ taza dátiles)

*Al final: 3 cucharadas de cacao nibs + 3 cucharadas de coco seco

*Al enrollar, decorar con coco rallado y/o chispas de chocolate (preferiblemente sin azúcar refinado, ej Lily’s)


  1. En un procesador de alimentos, procesar la avena, meter en un tazón y remojar en 3/4 -1 taza agua. Agregar más si hace falta.

  2. En el procesador, agregar los dátiles y procesar. Luego agregar todos los demás ingredientes (excepto las 3 cucharadas de cacao nibs, coco y chispas de chocolate si las usas) y mezclar hasta que se forme una pasta/bola espesa,~3-5 minutos. Raspar los lados según necesario. Agregar cacao nibs y coco, y pulsar un par de segundos para combinar (pero sentir aún los trocitos de cacao y coco). Si la mezcla está demasiado seca/espesa, agregar 1 cucharada de agua (o aceite de coco) y mezclar. Debe ser espesa, pegajosa y fácil de recoger.

  3. Sacar cantidades de ~2 cucharadas, formar pelotas con las manos y colocar en una bandeja forrada con pergamino. Opción de decorar con coco rallado y/o chispas de chocolate. Deberías tener unas 18-20 bolas.

  4. Colocar bandeja en el congelador para reafirmar. Una vez firmes al tacto, están listas para disfrutar (y puedes guardar en la refrigeradora por hasta 10 días o en el freezer por 2-3 meses).

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