A Different Kind of New Year's Resolutions: My 10 Intentions for 2021


I personally believe in the power of setting intentions or goals to give us guidance and motivation; for me it’s always worked. But I’ve realized the key lies in making these goals FLEXIBLE so there is no space to create tension if we don’t reach our goals. They should serve as inspiration, with the acceptance that they can be molded and modified over time.

Taking the time to REFLECT - on what we want to BE, what we want to FEEL, what we want to achieve, then reflecting on WHY it matters to us, and lastly, putting in on paper, is so powerful and healthy.

Let’s start by reflecting.

This year has been an important year for reflection. Just to review a few:

  • Racial issues (and horrific tragedies) have been brought to light, making us take a deeper look at how we act/respond/think and whether we can improve the way we live our life. With more integrity, more transparency and more acceptance.

  • The COVID pandemic has forced us to slow down and to find peace and happiness in what we already have, almost by necessity.

  • The array of natural disasters - from the horrible wildfires in Australia and California to the Hurricanes in Central America – has made us think more about our environment, global warming and the threat it poses, and has brought many of us together in efforts to help those that are most in need.

  • Political craziness has shone light on how separated we’ve become, and at least for me, has made me realize that its not healthy to judge others because of their beliefs; we need to remember that we are all connected and united; we are all loving spiritual beings looking to be the best versions of ourselves. And wanting the best for our country and families.

This year has also forced us to find new ways to be healthy without the usual luxuries that we were previously accustomed to. Limited access to gyms, combined with extra duty of homeschooling for most parents and learning to work from home, took a toll on so many of us.

For me, this was also a year that I was faced full force with my body-love issues, and those of many of my clients. I realized in 2020 that I still had serious body-image issues to improve, and I’m sure that not-by-coincidence, I was blessed with the task of helping many clients deal with their own body-image issues. Which is no easy task.

In light of this, I decided to make my year-end intentions (for 2021) different than before. More supportive of deeper connection, true body-love and self-acceptance.

Here are 10 “goals” or intentions that I’m choosing to focus on for 2021:

1.      Walk more (on the beach, in nature, wherever I can). I find so much pleasure in walking, not to mention all the health benefits it brings, and I don’t do it as much as I’d like to. My plan is to make time for walking at least once a week.

2.      Read more. Educate myself more. And then GIVE BACK by writing more and sharing more. For example, I personally plan to dedicate at least 3 nights a week for some reading before bed, and a few minutes everyday (or at least 5 days a week) for writing and/or sharing.

3.      Trust more. Trust myself more, trust the Universe more, trust my loved ones more. This I will work on through smaller things in my day to day, releasing control, asking for help without micromanaging. Also in taking decisions based on my initial gut feeling, without doubting myself so much. This is extremely hard for me, but I plan to work on it every day.

4.      Listen and Connect more to my body. I plan to consciously practice talking and listening to my body to connect deeper with my GUT. Eating what my body is asking me for, and to STOP eating once I’m 80-90% full. Also, doing the movement that my body is craving, and resting when I’m tired.

5.      Be less critical - of myself and others. I’d like to practice saying more “thank you, this is great” and less “but, this could have been better”. And I know once I learn to be less critical of myself, I will be less demanding and critical of others.

6.      Stop the negative body talk and work everyday towards more self-acceptance. Every time a negative body thought comes to mind, I will practice switching it for a more positive one, and set the goal to not talk negatively about my body to others (which I often do without realizing it); instead, I intend to accept all the beautiful things about my body and embrace them, both to myself and with others.

7.      Make gratitude a way of living. Making gratitude lists a non-negotiable part of daily life, for both myself and my clients. I already have a consistent journaling practice which includes jotting down 3+ things I’m grateful for, and this is something I plan to continue everyday in 2021. But it goes beyond journaling; I want to live life with gratitude consistently in my mind and in my heart.

8.      Do more conscious breathwork everyday (aka Pranayama) – before and/or after my daily meditation. Note: I already meditate everyday but I want to extend it adding more breathwork; If you don’t yet have a meditation practice, I highly suggest you make it a priority. It’s life-changing.

9.      Detox more. Whether it’s a detox from my phone/email as I did for the last 2 weeks of this year, detox from processed sugar, detox from negative thoughts, detox from harmful chemicals, try new detox therapies… It takes so much strength to do any type of detox, but when I complete a detox, I am always so much healthier, happier and stronger. In addition, this includes continual detoxing in my home, eliminating plastic, reducing waste, etc.

10.      Be more mindful and true to myself in everything. This means paying closer attention to everything I do, and asking myself if all my actions are aligned with my goals and my values *This probably being the most important of all my intentions

What will be your intentions for 2021?

Take some time to reflect on how you’d like to live this upcoming year, how you’d like to feel, why, and then write it down. Lastly, please share!
