World Health Day: 4 ways to embrace it and support your health

Happy World Health Day - a special day (April 7th) that serves as a reminder to prioritize our physical, mental and social health and wellbeing.

For me personally, my definition and understanding of health has changed a lot over these past 20 years since I’ve been immersed in the health and wellness world.

Given my journey, personal experience and years as a health caoch, this year I’ve drawn 4 key conclusions on how we can best prioritize our health (and then I share 4 things you can start doing today to put in practice)!

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11 Steps for an Empowered Life

I’m sharing 11 recommendations to be healthier, more present, more conscious, and live life to your fullest (inspired by a podcast 10 Steps for a Powerful Birth - from Taking Back Birth). These are principles that I’ve gradually introduced into my life since I started my health coaching journey, which I feel have helped me so much, so I wanted to share them with you today.

Here are 11 inspiring steps for living a healthy, balanced and empowered life.

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Embracing Sundays: My 5 Simple Acts of Self-Care

Sundays are my absolute favorite day, because i have no schedule and I make time to do what I love most.

What do I do on my Sundays that brings me so much JOY?

Above else, i make time for:

*checking-in and reflecting

*moving my body (doing something different and/or something I love)

*connecting with family

*doing an act of love (like making breakfast for my hubbie)

What is YOUR favorite day of the week and why? What act of self-love, of self-care, can you add to your day?

READ MORE about my reflexions and get inspired to make a special day (or morning or afternoon) for YOU!

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Looking For a Healthy, Sweet Treat this Valentines?

Although Valentine’s day is a bit of a cliché “Hallmark” holiday, I like to use it as an excuse to do something special for me and my loved ones. Like most other holidays, it offers a nice reminder to be thankful for each other and for what we have. It’s also traditionally a “date” night, which gives us that extra push to pamper ourselves and dress up – which ultimately is a way of giving love to ourselves.

It’s also a great excuse to indulge in chocolate, and look for new healthy chocolate treats to make for myself and my family. The good thing, that all chocolate lovers should know, is that good-quality dark chocolate is amazing for your health. READ MORE HERE about why you should be eating more chocolate.

Last Valentines, I shared with you my delicious (and VERY EASY) healthy chocolate dessert recipes – my Chocolate Coconut Date Balls and my Chocolate Mousse. If you haven’t tried them yet, I highly suggest you give them a try. They’re simple to make, and don’t require baking!

But this year, I’m living in Nicaragua, and still learning where I can get all my ingredients locally, as it’s a whole different market as the US. So making all my recipes isn’t always as easy. Therefore, I’m also scoping out the local scene for new healthy spots and treats made by other foodies, health-fanatics, and entrepreneurs like myself.

Last week I happened to meet the beautiful Alexandra Perez in Nicaragua, and tasted her yummy energy balls. So for those of you Nicaraguans feeling a bit lazy to make your own, I highly suggest you try these Fit Girl Snacks.

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