Matcha Pistachio Vanilla Protein Energy Balls - english & spanish recipes

I’m a huge dessert addict (I enjoy a sweet treat daily after lunch and dinner), but in order to stay healthy, not spike my blood sugar, and not gain weight, I make sure my desserts are mostly homemade and always: nutrient-dense, packed with superfoods, protein, healthy fats and low in sugar (NO added sugars for me!).

These balls are also a great source of FIBER (primarily soluble fiber) which helps to:

  • promote a healthy digestion and good, regular poop

  • lower cholesterol

  • slow absorption of carbs (supporitng healthy blood sugar) and increase satiety

  • support balanced hormones

And they’re SO SO delicious; they’re my new obsession and the only dessert that’s not chocolate nor chocolate based that I enjoy just as much.

(see below for the recipe in Spanish)

Matcha Pistachio Vanilla Protein Energy Balls

Ingredients (makes aprox 14 balls):

  • ¾ cup raw cashews 

  • ¼ cup raw pistachios

  • ¼ cup shredded coconut

  • 10 dates, pitted (or 6 large medjool dates), ideally soaked

  • ¾ cup cashew or almond butter (or any seed and/or nut butter)

  • 1½ tsp organic matcha powder

  • 2 tbsp water (more if needed)

  • ¼ tsp ground cinnamon

  • ½ tsp organic vanilla extract 

  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder (I used Truvani, but I also like BeWellbyKelly, SunWarrior, ALOHA, Raw Garden of Life, or even Majka green vanilla for my new mammas)

  • For rolling: ¼ cup pistachios, chopped/crushed


  1. Place all the ingredients (except the pistachios for rolling) into a food processor and pulse until smooth. Taste and adjust if needed.

  2. Make aprox 1 ½ Tbsp sized balls. Roll the balls in the chopped pistachios, then place in freezer to firm up. Enjoy (and store leftovers in freezer or fridge).

Bolas energéticas de matcha y pistacho 

Ingredientes (aprox 14 bolas):

  • ¾ taza semillas de marañón (anacardos/ castañas de cajú)

  • ¼ taza pistachos, sin cáscara

  • ¼ taza coco rallado 

  • 10 dátiles sin pepa (o 6-7 medjool) remojados 

  • ¾ taza mantequilla de almendras (o cualquier mantequilla de semillas /nueces) 

  • ½ cucharaditas matcha orgánico en polvo

  • 2 cucharadas de agua (más si hace falta)

  • ¼ cucharadita canela molida 

  • ½ cucharadita extracto de vainilla (puro, organico)

  • 1 cucharada proteína de vainilla en polvo (me gustan ALOHA, SunWarrior, raw Garden of Life, Truvani, o Majka para las mamas posparto)

  • Luego: ¼ taza más de pistachos, picados (para cubrir)


  1. Moler las semillas (marañón, pistachios y coco). Luego agregar los dátiles, y procesar. Luego agregar los ingredientes húmedos (mantequilla, aceite de coco, vainilla), luego la proteína y canela, y procesar hasta que quede una masa suave y pegajosa. Probar y ajustar si hace falta (y opción de agregar agua o más aceite si es necesario para procesar mejor).

  2. Crear bolitas generosas del tamaño de aprox 1 ½ cucharadas. Enrollar los bolas en los pistachos picados. Guardar en el freezer.