Easiest Protein Yogurt Chia Parfait

As you probably know, I am a huge fan of breakfasts - mostly protein smoothie bowls (packed with “hidden” veggies), as well as egg+veggie fritatas with avocado toast, and the occasional chia/overnight oats. But for those days that I want something SUPER quick and easy, yet still packed with enough protein, I’ve been preparting this Yogurt-Chia- Nut butter bowl which is divine (plus super healthy and filling).

The key to a healthy breakfast is ensuring you’re getting enought protein (the amount of protein depends on each person, your activity level and weight goals, but usually I suggest a minimum of 25 grams!) and plenty of fiber to support a healthy digestion and bowel movements. I also suggest being cautious with your carb intake at breakfast (some healthy unrefined carbs are great especially if you workout in the morning, like low-glycemic fruit and maybe a small slice of a seed bread like ezekiel, but most people overdo the carbs, so its good to experiment and find what is the ideal amount for you - and it’s often less than you think).

Keeping this in mind, I’m sharing one of my favorite breakifasts for those days when you don’t have time to prep your smoothie bowl nor eggs with veggies.

NOTE: This recipe is amazing for both gut/digestive health and for balancing hormones (and is of course pregnancy and pospoartum friendly).

Yogurt Chia Bowl

Ingredients (serves 1):

  • 1 cup unsweetened vegan coconut yogurt OR plain Greek yogurt if you tolerate dairy

  • ½ - 1 scoop unflavored (or vanilla) protein powder or collagen peptides *(see note below)

  • 1 ½ tbsp chia seeds OR ¼ cup chia pudding *(see note below)

  • 1 to 1½ tbsp almond butter (option to swap for another nut/seed butter)

  • ½ cup frozen blueberries, strawberries OR cherries, microwaved for 30 seconds (can also use fresh!)

  • optional: 1-2 tablespoons low-glycemic granola (in the US I love this unsweetened organic granola by Struesli, in Nicaragua I have a balance food granola that is made with tons of nuts/seeds, organic oats and sweetened with only a tiny bit of organic honey)

Instructions: Add all ingredients to a bowl and enjoy!*


*Option to omit protein if you’re using greek yogurt which has enough protein; if using dairy free yogurt, I do suggest adding protein always - either unflavored or 1/2 scoop vanilla protein + 1/2 scoop unflavored

*I personally like using 1/4 cup chia pudding if I have some made already, but otherwise 1.5 tbsp chia seeds sprinkled on top works perfect!

*For serving: I like to place the yogurt on the bottom, mixed with protein/collagen, then drizzle the chia seeds (or chia pudding), almond butter and the berries (or cherries) last. And often I’ll add some granola, too. Otherwise, I’ll sometimes divide my bowl so the base is 3/4 yogurt with protein, 1/4 chia pudding, then on top I decorate with the nut butter, berries and optional added seeds/granola.