A Transformative Tool to Achieve Your Goals & Boost Your Health

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If there is one thing that has completely transformed my life (and health), and that of many of my clients, too, it’s JOURNALING.

The practice of journaling, similar to meditation, has become something that I find so much comfort in, and that I feel in my core is helping me in so many ways.

And I know it can help you, too, because we can all benefit from taking a moment  in our crazy days to pause and organize our thoughts. It helps us get centered and to focus on what we really want. This is why journaling is becoming another “must” in the self-help / wellness world right up there with meditation.

So I deeply encourage you to be open minded on the topic. It may sound cheesy or too spiritual, but there are so many ways to adapt it to your personality and make it work for you, that I REALLY suggest you give it a shot. And if you have a journal but haven’t been very consistent with using it, use this article as a sign that you need to restart now!

When you do it regularly, the benefits are huge and so visible.

Here are some of the benefits of journaling (that I’ve personally experienced and millions of others, too).

  1. Helps ACHIEVE GOALS. Yep, there is so much power in writing things down. Both spiritually and factually. I firmly believe that writing down your goals/dreams (especially in a positive way, as if you’re on your way to achieving them) helps to attract them. I’ve seen it time and again. But there’s also the facts. Writing down your goals signals to your brain that "this is important" and it helps you to prioritize. I know that I personally feel the need to check off the things in my to-do list, so jotting them down pushes me a lot harder to get those things done that will help me achieve my goals.

  2. Improves SLEEP. Journaling before bed helps to remove the nonstop chatter in our brain that otherwise would continue all night, preventing us from sleeping well. When we transfer what’s in our head on to paper, it helps us to release anxiety. Also, jotting down our schedule and important tasks for the next day, helps us go to sleep feeling more assured that we’ve got our life under control, releasing worry/tension, helping us feel more relaxed and even more positive and confident about the day ahead.

  3. Increases MINDFULNESS. You’ve surely heard of the buzzy topic of mindfulness, and how many meditation practices are focused on helping us be more aware and fully present (vs. distracted, with our mind running nonstop about past/future stressors). Why is this important? Because increased mindfulness is linked to increased happiness! And journaling, like meditation, helps us be more mindful. Journaling helps bring our focus into how we’re feeling NOW and allows us to lessen our frustrations with the past and anxiety about the future.

  4. Boosts MEMORY. Writing things down helps us to remember them, just like saying them out loud. I know that when I tell someone the night before “please remind me of this tomorrow” and I jot it down, I don’t even need to hear it from the person the next day nor read my journal, because just the act of having said it and written it down helps me remember.

  5. Raises SELF-AWARENESS and EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE. When we jot down our thoughts and feelings, it helps us to really observe what we have going on in our mind/body (and often in our subconscious), and it helps us understand our thoughts and emotions. We’re better able to perceive and manage both our emotions and those of others, which helps us better connect (with ourselves and others) on a deeper level.

  6. Boosts CONFIDENCE and overall MOOD. There is absolutely no doubt that when we journal, especially when we write what we’re grateful for, and what we’ve achieved, a smile makes its way to our face. And when we write down those emotions that we otherwise would keep bottled up, we release anxiety. Even just writing own our to-do’s helps us to feel more organized, more productive, more present, more at peace and much more ready to tackle on the day ahead (and/or next day). And overtime, as you journal everyday, your overall mood will improve and your confidence in yourself and your ability to manage your tasks and achieve your goals. Often times we don’t realize our progress until we’ve written it down.

And trust me, there are even more benefits! It depends on how you apply it. Which leads me to my next and last topic. You may be wondering…

How/Where do I get started with journaling?

What journaling method is best?


I personally believe you just have to get a journal and pen and start writing and decide for yourself what works best for you. But  to help you get started, below is a mini JOURNALING GUIDE that I’ve created with some prompts that help me and that I share with my clients.  ALSO, my Spanish speakers, please watch my brief Instagram Live (saves as post and on IGTV of Balance Studio @balancestudiomga) on the topic (in spanish).


write down your thoughts, get organized, dream, reconnect with yourself, reflect

A.M Journaling:

• Thoughts / feelings / intuition / dreams = write freely when you wake up

• Gratitude list: 3+ things you are grateful for

• Your 3 main “non-negotiable” tasks for the day

• Fun and relaxation activity for today = write 1-2 things

• Today’s schedule and to-do list (including the mentioned above: your 3 priorities and your 1-3 self-care / pleasure activities)

P.M. Journaling:

• Reflect on your day, how you feel in general = write freely

• Today I appreciate myself for… = write 1-3 things

• Today I give thanks for… = write 3-5 things

• What you achieved today = write 3-5 things (or simply check off your to-do list; i love following the bullet journal guide with my to-do’s)

• Something that did not go well / area to continue working, to improve = write 1 thing

• Today I ask for help and / or healing in… = write 1 thing, an intention

• Next day's schedule = write your schedule and important “to-do's” for tomorrow

Click HERE to download my Journaling Guide in English.

Click HERE to download my Journaling Guide in Spanish.

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Now the most important thing is to simply get started.

Feel free to adjust your journaling times and method. If you prefer to just start on your iphone/laptop that’s fine. But switch up, don’t be afraid to explore. Personally, I started out doing my journaling in the morning (mostly inspired by “morning pages” – a method by Julia Cameron which I highly suggest you check out), but as my schedule changed and my mornings became too rushed, I found evenings worked better. And now I do it both morning and evening but it’s really short in the morning, mostly focused on my to-do’s and my intention for the day, and at night is when I really take my time to journal – my achievements for the day, my gratitude list, my non-negotiables for the next day, and anything else I’m feeling / or working at the moment. And about once every few weeks i indulge in the “morning pages” method mentioned above. Just like your diet, fitness plan and overall lifestyle, it’s about finding what works for you. Experiment and don’t give up.

So get your journal, get started today, and please share with me when you do!