Living in Nicaragua, one of the things I miss from my days in NYC and Miami is having easy pre-made healthy options for a quick dinner – such as frozen healthy foods that I can heat up in a minute and serve with a salad. For example, veggie burgers!
But now I’ve realized how easy they are to make, so I make big batches and freeze most of them to eat later on. It’s one of the best “healthy eating habits” that I’ve personally acquired (to make my life easier and always have healthy options on hand) and that I share with all my clients.
I now make large batches of veggie burgers (a few varieties), turkey meatballs, quinoa-veggie balls, vegan lasagna, even dips – and I eat once then freeze the rest for those times when I don’t have help and need a super quick option. For me that’s usually dinner when I come back from teaching barre, starving, and want something on my plate within 10 minutes.
And now during these new stay-at-home times when we’re limiting our supermarket runs, batch-cooking and freezing healthy staples IS A MUST in order to stay healthy.
To get you started, I wanted to share one of my favorite Vegan Burger recipes with a slight Indian taste, but not overwhelmingly so. This recipe is super flavorful and easy to make.
Image from
Packed with fiber, protein, B-vitamins, iron and more
Super flavorful
Easy to make and freeze well
Perfect for the entire family
And the ingredients are all superfoods in my book!
I’ll share a brief summary of some of the amazing health benefits of the ingredients in these burgers:
LENTILS are packed with:
Plant-based protein (1 cup cooked = approx 18 grams of protein)
Polyphenols (help you detox)
Iron (1 cup has almost 7 mg iron, key for energy, pregnancy and more)
Calcium (38g approx per cup, key for healthy bones and more)
Magnesium (70mg approx per cup; our favorite relaxation mineral)
Folic acid (great if trying to get pregnant!)
Fiber (great to make you poop, improve cholesterol, regulate blood sugar and hormones)
In short, lentils give you energy, are easy to digest, help lower cholesterol and more.
QUINOA is packed in:
Plant-based protein (contains all essential amino acids)
Naturally gluten-free
Low glycemic index, good for blood sugar stabilization
Iron, Magnesium, B vitamins, Manganese and more
SWEET POTATOES are packed with:
Vitamin A (great for the eyes)
Antioxidants (great for staying young, fighting disease and so much more)
Fiber (both soluble and insoluble, great for digestion and stabilizing blood sugar)
Sweet Potatoes are overall one of my favorite gut-healthy foods
HEMP SEEDS are packed with:
Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids (great for skin, hormones and overall health)
Plant-based protein (like quinoa, they provide all essential amino acids)
Vitamin E and many minerals including magnesium, calcium, iron and zinc
CURRY and GARAM MASALA are amazing for digestion (and add a delicious flavor and spice).
FLAX is one of the best seeds for digestion, lowering cholesterol and balancing hormones.
CILANTRO is my favorite detoxifying food.
Protein Packed Sweet Potato Lentil Burger
Ingredients (serves 6-8 burgers):
1 ¼ cups cooked red lentils
1 cup cooked quinoa (or other GF grain; oats also work)
1 cup roasted sweet potato, mashed
2 tablespoons ground flax seeds
2 tablespoons hemp seeds
1 ½ teaspoons curry powder (preferably organic)
½ teaspoon garam masala (or ¼ tsp cumin + ¼ tsp cinnamon)
½ teaspoon sea salt + ¼ teaspoon black pepper
1 tablespoon minced fresh onion and 1 teaspoon minced garlic (OR 1 tsp onion powder + 1 tsp garlic powder) *optional
¼ cup fresh cilantro leaves, chopped
1. Preheat oven to 375°F and line a baking sheet with parchment and lightly spray with avocado oil or coconut oil.
2. In a large bowl, combine the lentils, quinoa, sweet potato and mash all together. Add the hemp seeds, ground flax, curry, garam marsala, onion/garlic if using, sea salt and pepper. Stir to combine. Add in the chopped cilantro. Stir and let sit 5 minutes.
4. Form the mixture into burger-sized patties, and place on the greased lined sheet. Optional: Stick in the freezer for 10-20 minutes (if you have the time), this helps them firm up.
5. Bake for 20 minutes. Then flip the burgers, being careful not to break, and bake for another 10-15 minutes or until crispy.
6. Remove from oven and allow cool for several minutes. Enjoy with salad, cauliflower rice, roasted vegetables, or place on a naturally gluten-free bun such as grilled portobello, grilled eggplant or a fried plantain (and you can add tomato/lettuce/microgreens, and any vegan sauce of your liking)! I like to add a drizzle of my cashew cream sauce, tahini dressing or vegan pesto. (Comment below or message me for recipes!)
Store in airtight container in the fridge for up to 4 days or in the freezer for a month.
Tips / Advance Prep:
You can cook the quinoa and lentils a few hours before or even 2-3 days before.
You can form the patties and keep them refrigerated for up to 2 days before cooking, or cook them properly and keep them refrigerated for 3-4 days. However, I recommend freezing; they freeze well and last a month or more frozen. Just reheat in the oven or toaster oven for 10 to 15 minutes (or on a skillet in just 5 minutes).
And below i’m sharing todays recipe in Spanish!
Hamburguesas De Lentejas, Quinoa y Camote
Ingredientes (sirve 6-8 hamburguesas):
1 ¼ tazas de lentejas rojas ya cocidas
1 taza de quinoa cocida
1 taza de camote (batata), cocido y machucado (o ayote de mantequilla)
2 cucharadas de linaza
2 cucharadas semillas de hemp (si no tienes, usar semillas de ajonjolí)
1 ½ cucharaditas de polvo de curry
½ cucharadita garam masala (si no tienes, ¼ cdta canela + ¼ cdta comino)
½ cucharadita de sal marina + pizca de pimienta negra
1-2 cucharadas de cebolla + 1 cucharada de ajo, finamente picados *opcional
Calentar el horno a 375 °F y forrar una bandeja para hornear con papel pergamino (opción de ligeramente engrasar con spray de aceite de coco o de aguacate o de oliva).
En un tazón/plato hondo grande, combinar las lentejas, quinoa, camote, cebolla y ajo picadito (opcional), linaza, semillas, curry en polvo, garam masala, sal y pimienta. Revolver para combinar. Añadir el cilantro picado y revolver. (La idea es que esté bien combinado, pero con textura, no totalmente liso, por eso prefiero no usar procesador de alimentos)
Dividir la mezcla en 6 a 8 partes iguales y formar “hamburguesas”. Dejar reposar mínimo 10 minutos en la refri o freezer (en un recipiente tapado).
Colocar las hamburguesas sobre la bandeja forrada, y hornear por 20 minutos. Sacar del horno y voltear las hamburguesas, teniendo cuidado de no romperlas. Hornear por otros 15 minutos, o hasta que estén suficientemente crujientes.
Retirar del horno y dejar enfriar unos minutos. Disfrutar con ensalada y/o verduras a tu gusto. Tambien opcion de colocar sobre “pan de hamburguesa” sin gluten, como rodajas de berenjena asada, o hongos portobellos grandes asados, o tostones grandes (en vez de pan) y con tomate,lechuga, microgreens, y una guarnición de verduras apartes de tu gusto.