Tips for Traveling and Staying Healthy Abroad

It’s hard for all of us (myself included) to stay super healthy and focused when traveling. But over time I have found little ways to make it better, keeping it pretty healthy (to avoid gaining weight) while still enjoying my vacation.  

Here are my top 5 tips for traveling:

1. Prepare for the plane ride and take some food with you. It may sound like a hassle but it is actually quite easy and it will make your plane ride much more enjoyable. Because I don’t know if you have noticed, but airplane food gets almost everyone bloated and gassy, with the exorbitant amounts of sodium and preservatives used. And even if you do eat the food, it’s often not enough food for the trip, so you end up eating the unnecessary bread roll and brownie!  

What should you pack?  

  • Fresh fruit (an organic apple is quite easy)
  • Raw, unsalted nuts (my favorite are raw cashews).  
  • Roasted veggies: Make some time while packing to roast some veggies in the oven (can be done the day before). Just throw some cauliflower, sweet potato, carrots, leeks and fennel (or veggies of your choice) in the oven with some coconut oil and sea salt for about 45 mins at 375 F, leave it out to cool, and before leaving your house, pack a large zip-lock of the roasted veggies (and pick up a plastic fork at the airport). Its a great snack and can be delicious even at room temperature.
  • If it’s a long flight, prepare something a bit more substantial such as a homemade sandwich made with Ezekiel sprouted bread, half an avocado used as a spread on both slices of bread, with some lean, fresh turkey, some organic romaine leaves, some sprouts and maybe 2 thin slices of tomato, sprinkled with sea salt. Slice in half and wrap in some parchment paper. Take this with some roasted veggies and raw nuts, and you should be good to go for your flight.
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2. Drink LOTS of water. Its very easy to get dehydrated during flights, so to avoid getting all swollen and puffy, drink up, all throughout the flight. Take some water with you - its not enough to wait for the stewardess to pass by once or twice with the cart and serve you a small cup of water. If you have a small glass water bottle (I love my BKR bottle!), most airports now have water stations to fill them up, so you can take it empty through security, then fill up. Otherwise, buy a large water bottle at the store near your gate. This applies to the rest of your trip as well - keep a bottle of water on hand wherever you go to make sure you’re properly hydrated. This also keeps you from overeating and helps prevent cravings!

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3. Take some green juice with you. You can get small packets of green powder - perfect for travel - in Whole Foods, Amazon, or your local health store. I love AmazingGrass packets or ALOHA daily greens. When I travel, I try to have one green juice each morning before meeting my travel crew for breakfast. Since I know I cannot rely on getting a super healthy breakfast, I’m at least making sure to start my day right, getting some super greens and an amazing source of energy. Simply add the green powder to a glass of water, coconut water, fresh pressed juice or non-dairy milk of choice, stir with a spoon, and enjoy. Its very easy and very effective!

4. Make sure to eat as many veggies and fruits as possible during your trip. Surely you’ll want to enjoy the local cuisine and try different foods, which is perfectly fine! But whatever you eat, try your best to start off with a small green salad, or add a side of sauteed greens to your meal. This will ensure you get lots of necessary vitamins and minerals, but also, will fill you up with low-calorie veggies so you won’t over-indulge on the other stuff. Also, keep a piece of fruit in your bag while on the road, so you always have a healthy snack at hand. And make sure to inquire about the LOCAL fruits and vegetables, and give those a try!

5. Get some physical activity every day! It is easier than you think. Make it a point to walk as much as possible with your friends, family or loved one. Walk to and from the restaurants, do walking tours, or even bike tours! When you can, escape for a quick jog before dinner, or even before your day starts. And if you know that for the next day, walking or some sort of exercise isn’t on the itinerary and there isn't enough time for a jog, then plan to wake up 15 mins early and do some yoga stretches / planks/ push-ups in your room. It’ll make a difference, get your digestive system and metabolism started, and is great for your mood!

So take these 5 tips with you on your next vacation and enjoy your travels. And please share this with any friend or family member who you think would find it useful! I know I’ll be using these tips during my upcoming trip!

Lots of love and safe, healthy travels,
