How to Make Homemade Almond Milk (video)

You’ve maybe heard by now that cutting out dairy (or at least cutting back on milk and cheese in particular) has a lot of benefits. 

I personally saw a huge improvement in my digestion when I cut out dairy (and gluten) from my diet. Now I may enjoy it in small amounts from time to time, but for the most part, I stick to non-dairy alternatives when I need some dairy, which is mostly for my tea/coffee or breakfasts (oats, smoothies or chia puddings).

Almond milk (like other nut and seed milks) provides a healthier alternative to regular milk - it’s lower in calories, fat and sugar, plus rich in fiber and B vitamins. Almond milk is also a lower glycemic option to rice milk, and doesn’t have any hormone disrupting properties like soy milk (which is also usually derived from GMO soy beans).

The problem is that the store-bought nut milk versions are prepared with preservatives to extend the shelf life, and often have added sugars, as well as other ingredients like carrageenan to alter the consistency.

For that reason, I had been wanting to make homemade nutmilk for a long time. I had heard it was easy, creamy and delicious, so finally gave it a try.

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10 Easy, Healthy Snacks That Will Keep You Slim and Energized

I find that so many people are making an effort to eat healthier meals, but still have a hard time achieving their health goals. And when I look at their food journals, I see’s in their snacks! 

I KNOW it’s hard when we’re always on the go. We get hungry when we’re at work or on the road, and the only things we can easily grab are processed, packaged options (filled with sodium, sugar and/or artificial ingredients). And unfortunately, they add up, and make it difficult (if not impossible!) for us to stay healthy and slim.

Making the effort to be prepared and keep healthy snacks on hand will make a HUGE difference in your health.

For a boost of sustained energy (and to support a healthy weight), your snacks should be small, high in protein and fiber, and relatively low in sugar and carbs.

Here are 10 EASY, HEALTHY SNACKS that are filled with BALANCED nutrition to give you the energy you need without packing on the pounds. 

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What I Eat to Keep My Hair Healthy, Strong, Long and Shiny

I love that I’m always getting compliments on my hair, and while part of it is definitely genetics (and luck!), I have come to realize that what I eat has a big impact on the health of my lovely locks. 

Do you want to have shinier, thicker, stronger, sexy hair (that doesn’t easily break or fall out)? Instead of spending a ton of money on products (that are possibly damaging your hair in the long run), focus on increasing the foods in your daily diet that are key for nourishing your hair. (Note: this applies for men, too!)

Here are 7 nutrients (and foods rich in these nutrients) that will help you get fabulous hair:

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An Effective Way to Overcome Your Sugar Addiction

Nowadays, we're eating more and more sugar without even realizing it. 

Sugar is being added to EVERYTHING these days (in packaged foods, supplements, restaurants, etc). It's often disguised as different names, including: honey, agave, cane sugar, date sugar, beet sugar, turbinado sugar, but also less obvious ones like: malt (barley malt or diastatic malt), syrup (corn syrup, maple syrup, carob syrup, rice syrup), evaporated cane juice, maltose, sucrose, dextrose, fructose, glucose, maltodextrin, and more!

And natural sugars also add up. So even if you're not big on desserts, chances are you're still consuming a lot more sugar than you think. (I bet that if you were to actually count the grams of sugar that you eat in a day, you’ll be shocked!)

And the hard truth is - sugar is bad for everyone, not just people at risk of diabetes.

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6 Ways To Make Your Workday A Little Bit Healthier

Staying healthy at the office is a challenge for everyone. There is always someone who brings in sweet treats from recent travel, or it's someone's birthday and cakes are in your face. And then there are the catered lunch meetings where it's just sandwiches and cookies!

I've worked in offices for most of my career, so I can relate. But somehow, in the last few years, I have been able to master the art of staying healthy regardless of where I am. It's not about perfection, but it's definitely about being prepared.

Here are my best tips to keep you healthy at the office:

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Why You Should Add Turmeric to Your Diet

Turmeric is a yellowish-orange colored spice, most commonly used in Indian curries, and is one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory and disease-fighting agents on the planet!

It has been used as a medicinal herb in India for years, and recently has been discovered worldwide for its medicinal properties. Studies have shown the benefits of Turmeric to be just as effective (and MORE effective in some cases) than Ibuprofen, Advil, and many prescription medications.

Here are some the proven benefits of curcumin, the most active ingredient in Turmeric:

  • Help lower inflammation. (This is HUGE because low-grade chronic inflammation has been linked to many common diseases, from heart conditions to Alzheimer’s and cancer)
  • Controls blood sugar spikes and insulin resistance
  • Helps regulate high cholesterol
  • Boosts immunity and the antioxidant capacity of our body
  • Helps manage Arthritis symptoms (and generally, works as a pain reliever!)
  • Can lower the risk of heart disease
  • Has anti-cancer properties, helping to prevent the growth of cancer cells
  • Can improve many skin conditions like Eczema, and more!

It's amazing, and a little goes a long way. Plus, it's so easy to incorporate into your diet. Here are some of my favorite ways to use turmeric:


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What I Eat and Drink to Help With a Hangover

Sometimes we all have a bit too much to drink. It happens to most of us. And dealing with the effects the next day are not great, but there are ways to make it easier on your body, so that you suffer a bit less!

The key is staying hydrated and getting some extra targeted nutrition to help your body deal with the loss of fluids and the extra load of metabolizing the alcohol and chemicals.

Unfortunately, the beer, greasy pizza, burger and fries can make it worse! Instead, here are some of the best drinks, foods and supplements that help me beat my hangover symptoms.

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Are Grains Causing You Harm?

I admit that I’m a huge fan of grains and find it hard to completely exclude my beloved quinoa, buckwheat and brown rice from my diet. However, there are many valid arguments as to why we should limit (even exclude) grains from our diet.

First, the positives…WHY SHOULD YOU EAT GRAINS?

Whole grains are a great source of nutrients including magnesium, b-vitamins, potassium, selenium, fiber, and more. But mostly, they’re delicious and so versatile. Small amounts of whole grains (and "seed-like-grains") are an easy and yummy way to create healthy, balanced meals. They also make vegetarian meals a lot easier!

But make sure to choose ones that aren’t causing harm to your body. Avoid refined/milled grains like white flours/breads/cereals, as this also strips them of most the nutrients. I find that the best ones to consume are those that are actually seeds, including Quinoa, Millet, Buckwheat and Amaranth. They are naturally gluten-free, higher in protein and lower in carbs than most other grains, and can even help balance hormones.


Grains contain what are commonly referred to as “anti-nutrients”, including Gluten (in some cases), enzyme inhibitors such as Tannins, Lectins, and Phytic acid.

Phytic acid is naturally occurring in plants (found in grains/legumes/nuts/seeds) as part of their “protective” mechanism (against pests/insects), but when consumed by us, phytic acid blocks the absorption of important minerals such as calcium, magnesium and iron, from our diets. It also blocks some of the essential digestive enzymes that help us digest the nutrients from our food.

It’s primarily due to these “anti-nutrients” that many people develop issues from eating grains (same happens with legumes/beans, nuts and seeds). Even if you don’t realize it, eating a lot of grains (particularly those with gluten) is likely creating some inflammation in your gut, which then leads to a whole host of other issues!

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Traveling this Summer? How to Travel Like a Pro

There are a thousand things I love about the summer, and high on my list is the vacation time. But when long flights are involved, I naturally worry about staying healthy, comfortable, and avoiding jet lag.

It's unfortunately common to arrive feeling puffy and bloated from the flight - a huge bummer especially if you're going to the beach!

The air-pressure in planes is low and the air extremely dry, so you naturally get dehydrated, and their food is terribly high in sodium, making it even worse. Then you're stuck in a seat for hours, not moving much - terrible for your circulation. And with the change in settings, your body gets disoriented, causing your digestive system to slow down. 

I travel quite a bit, so I have made it my mission to improve my flying experience. I am proud to say that I have now gone from suffering through yucky plane food and terrible jet lag, to feeling in control and pretty great when I travel. 

So here are 10 THINGS I DO WHEN I FLY to limit any negatives, like the lack of sleep, dehydration, bloating, stiffness, jet lag and stress:

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Three Easy & Delicious Seasonal Dishes to Enjoy this Summer!

Eating seasonal foods is one of the best things you can do for your health. Seasonal produce is picked when it’s ripe (so plants get extra sun-time), and it generally has more antioxidants, more color and more flavor!

Where I am now, it's mid-summer, and I’m blessed to have a ton of fresh, locally-grown summer vegetables to enjoy. I encourage you to visit your local farmers market and stock up on seasonal produce; not only are you doing your body a favor, you’re supporting local farmers as well (and not paying the cost of transportation that you pay for out-of-season, non-local produce)!

Some of my favorite summer veggies include: arugula, avocados, eggplant, peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, summer squash, corn and green beans. Cucumber is another refreshing, healthy summer veggie. While I admit it isn't my favorite, I have found a recipe that I LOVE with cucumbers (and I bet you will, too!), which I will share with you today!  

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The Fats, Proteins & Carbs That Will Help You Reach A Healthy Weight

As a health coach, I'm constantly asked about the ideal amounts of carbs and protein for weight loss.

First, I think it's important to address that there is no magic formula because ultimately, everyone is unique, and I fully believe in the principle of bio-individuality.

That being said, I find some general things hold true for most people. When it comes to sustainable weight loss, balanced meals are key.

So while many people swear by no-carb, high-protein diets to lose weight, I have found that small amounts of carbs coming primarily from vegetables is very important and can aid in weight loss.

Healthy fats are also crucial for your health, will help keep you full, and can help you burn fat.

I usually suggest making half of your plate be vegetables (primarily low-starch), and the remaining can be divided between lean protein and healthy fats. But way more important than the percentage of carbs, protein, and fats is your SOURCE of these macronutrients!

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10 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

I am constantly meeting people that are struggling to lose weight despite eating healthy and working out. Last week I talked about how certain hormones are key to have at optimal levels in order to assist your weight loss. Today I wanted to talk about your METABOLISM, and how your diet and lifestyle choices can either boost or slow down your metabolism. Because ultimately, a strong metabolism helps you to burn more calories, balance blood sugar and regulate hormones, all of which affect your weight (and overall health!).

Unfortunately, as we get older, our metabolism is sadly impacted. However, there is still a lot you can do to boost your metabolism. It’s all about feeding the mitochondria in your cells, which are what burn calories and drive your metabolism.

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5 Hormones That Affect Your Weight Loss

I come across many people (women in particular) that feel they have tried everything to lose weight – they’re “eating healthy” and working out like crazy, but they get stuck. And frustrated. Because the scale won’t budge. 

They’re exercising intensely 5 days a week, they’re often skipping dinner to cut out calories, maybe even skipping breakfast on occasion, opting for just a coffee pre-workout, and having just a salad for lunch… but clearly the “calories in-calories out” is not working!

Does this sound like you?

The good news is, it’s not just you. There is a solution, which lies in BALANCING YOUR HORMONES. 

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5 Tips to Stay Healthy This Summer

It’s officially summer (for those of us in the northern hemisphere!) and I don’t know about you, but I’m excited for all my summer plans – both here in Miami, and a few trips abroad. But I admit that it’s always a challenge to stay healthy during the summer months. I just want to get a lot of sun (often a bit too much!), have some rose wine or cocktails by the pool, attend fun barbecues/beach parties, have friends over at my place, ETC., and it all adds up!

So of course, I have my mini plan of how to stay healthy this summer, and I’d love to share it with you!

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A Healthy Sunday Brunch

I’m lucky enough to have my dad with me this Sunday for Father’s Day, so I've decided to make a special brunch for him. It’s a win-win because he loves my healthy cooking, and I’ll be able to enjoy brunch with my dad while staying healthy, avoiding the heavy meals that I KNOW we would splurge on if we went out for brunch.

So as I prepare my Father’s Day brunch menu with some of my favorite healthy substitutions, I wanted to share my recipes with you. I know they will come in handy, whether it’s for this Father’s Day or for a fun Sunday brunch with friends... which are especially popular in the summer! You can enjoy some mimosas if you wish, but by keeping the food menu healthy (and based on home-cooked food) you’ll be saving yourself a lot of calories, belly-aches, and money!

Here is my HEALTHY BRUNCH MENU – all free of gluten, dairy, added sugars, and filled with nutrition (with options for vegan and non-gluten-free).

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What NOT to Feed Your Kids and Healthier Alternatives

It’s becoming increasingly difficult to keep children healthy with the poor food choices served at schools, the horrific ingredients included in “child-friendly” snacks, and the amount of marketing done specifically for kids (of these not-so-healthy foods!).

Children obesity has been increasing worldwide., and understandably, this is becoming a growing concern for all parents.

So let me share with you the key foods that I would avoid feeding your kids, and some healthier suggestions. While it may be impossible to control what they eat outside the house, making small changes at home can make a big difference. 

Here are 6 foods commonly eaten by kids that you should look out for (because they're probably worse than you think!), and some much healthier alternatives.

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How to Stay Safe in the Sun

One of my scariest recent discoveries is how harmful your conventional sunscreen can be. Everyone talks about the dangers of the sun, but hardly anyone knows that your sunscreen can also cause cancer! Crazy, right?

What makes sunscreen unsafe?

Here is a list of 7 things to watch out for in sunscreen:

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The Nutritious Seed You Never Thought of Eating

I think most of you know of my love-affair with avocados. I could eat them with every meal - they’re so delicious, versatile, and good for you. But what I never knew until recently is that the seed/pit of the avocado has a ton of health benefits as well.

Here are some of the known benefits of the Avocado Seed:

  • Helps ease digestive issues - avocado seeds are primarily known for their amazing ability to alleviate GI tract issues, ranging from gastric ulcers to constipation.
  • Full of antioxidants with anti-cancer properties – it’s estimated that 70% of the antioxidants in avocados are actually found in the seed! The seed contains phenolic compounds and flavonols, which help prevent/reduce tumor growth.
  • Fights inflammation - the high level of antioxidants (including catechins and procyandins) act as anti-inflammatory agents, reducing swelling/stiffness of joints, as well as improving blood circulation.
  • Boosts immunity – avocado seeds help reduce free radicals and prevent against bacterial and fungal infections.
  • Lowers cholesterol - avocados and their seeds are very rich in soluble fiber, which binds to excess fat and cholesterol, also improving heart function.
  • Helps fight cravings and burn fat – the high levels of soluble fat keeps you full and balances your blood sugar levels, which helps avoid that mid-afternoon sugar craving.

How do you eat the seed?

It’s actually fairly simple! 

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The Perfect Weekday Lunch – Macro Bowl

Macro Bowls are my favorite go-to lunch recipes. They're simple, easily customizeable, healthy yet filling enough to keep you energized throughout your afternoon.

Macro bowls are the definition of BALANCED meals; they’re called macro bowls because they include all major macro-nutrients: carbs, protein and fat. They usually consist of a base of whole grains, raw and/or cooked veggies, a protein of your choice and a healthy fat. The best thing is that you can really be creative with them and design to your liking. 

There are so many varieties, but I’ll run you through the basic steps so that you can start making your favorite version. 

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As a Health Coach, I often bring up the topic of PROBIOTICS with my clients, as I find that a large majority of people, especially those with signs of inflammation or digestive issues, could benefit massively from including more probiotics in their diet.

But I’ve come to realize that the knowledge about these good bugs is still not wide-spread; most people just associate them with yogurt. So I wanted to shed some light, as this topic is one that I personally feel very strongly about and have spent lots of time researching, for both myself and clients.


The word itself is a compound of two Greek words, ‘pro’ meaning “of’ and “biotic” meaning “life”, so essentially, the very definition of probiotics affirms life and health! But in very basic terms, probiotics are strains of “good bacteria” that support our native beneficial bacteria and help control the “bad bacteria” from getting out of control. You can get them from fermented foods or take them as a supplement.

Some examples of probiotic-rich foods include:

  • Yogurt (best to buy plain/unflavored and organic!)
  • Kefir
  • Sauerkraut
  • Kimchi
  • Miso
  • Tempeh
  • Kombucha tea


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