8 Tips for a Healthy Beach Vacation

It’s almost “Semana Santa” and many of you will be enjoying a few days at the beach... which is amazing, fun and relaxing, BUT often comes with the fear of gaining weight and the stress of looking good in a bikini.

Staying healthy while on vacation, especially when it’s a beach vacation, is something almost everyone wants to achieve but struggles with.

It’s not just about staying slim to feel good in a bathing suit (no shame in that!), it’s also about staying hydrated, taking advantage of local/seasonal foods, avoiding belly bloat, getting some movement in (as well as rest), avoiding sunburn and choosing healthier sunblock options. And of course, it’s about finding a balance so you can ENJOY your vacation even while you stay healthy.

On top of all this, I believe practicing some BODY LOVE is also essential…

READ MORE for my 8 tips!

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Going with the Flow.... Why Its Key For Your Health

Staying healthy is often times more about STAYING PRESENT and enjoying the little gifts of life, than getting your daily workout and green smoothie.

When we're relaxed and tuned-in, our bodies find a way to stay healthy. While if we're stressed about that gram of gluten and obsessing over whether our belly is expanding, then our bodies react negatively; stress takes priority over digestion, and that's when we accumulate fat (not to mention the guilt overpowers our happiness).

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