Let's Unite in Gratitude and Health this 2020 Thanksgiving Holiday

This year has been a rollercoaster for ALL of us; for each one of us in it's own way. More than ever, we are joined together (globally) in this feeling. Which is why we need to celebrate Thanksgiving with extra purpose, extra meaning, extra love, extra appreciation, extra HEALTH and extra UNITY.

Let’s make this 2020 Thanksgiving holiday extra healthy, fun and unique. Here are some tips and recipes to help you out!

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A Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving: 5 healthy tips for a guilt-free holiday + Pumpkin Pie recipe

Thanksgiving is about GIVING THANKS; a time to be with loved ones and celebrate all the awesome things in life. AND it's about delicious comforting food. Who doesn't love Thanksgiving food, pumpkins (or ayote), wine, and family time?

Problem is, many of us health-conscious people simultaneously dread the aftermath of waking up bloated and feeling heavy the next day, and possibly even gaining weight in just one weekend.

Luckily I've discovered that doesn't need to be the case. IT IS TOTALLY POSSIBLE TO ENJOY A HEALTHY THANKSGIVING, while staying guilt-free. Of course indulging a bit (because indulging is OK once in a while), but if you balance it out with some healthier (and even more delicious) recipes, and a few more tips (that I share with you today and in other past blogs), you can fully enjoy the holiday without any negative consequences.

HERE ARE 5 TIPS THAT I PERSONALLY PRACTICE, then check out my blogs for more tips and recipes for a Healthy Thanksgiving

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3 Tips for a Healthier Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hopefully you're super psyched about this awesome and meaningful holiday. I now live in a new country that doesn't formally celebrate Thanksgiving, but I was secretly happy to learn that my new family here celebrates this American holiday.

So on top of many other things, I am grateful for that this week.

Thanksgiving is, after all, about GIVING THANKS. It's a time to be with loved ones and celebrate all the awesome things in life. And of course, it's a great time to enjoy delicious food. Who doesn't love Thanksgiving food, wine, and family time?

Problem is, many of us health-conscious people simultaneously slightly dread the holiday because we usually wake up bloated and feeling heavy the next day, and possibly even gain weight in just one weekend.

Luckily I've discovered that doesn't need to be the case. IT IS TOTALLY POSSIBLE TO ENJOY A HEALTHY THANKSGIVING, while staying guilt-free. Of course indulging a bit is OK, but if you balance it out with some healthier (and even more delicious) recipes, and a few more tips (that I share with you), you can fully enjoy the holiday without any negative consequences.

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6 Healthy & Delicious Holiday Recipes

The holidays are about enjoying family and friends, and of course, enjoying yourself. But we all know that part of that includes a lot of food - usually in excess, and not so healthy.

The good news is, you absolutely can enjoy yourself, the company, and your meals, without feeling like you need to restrict yourself too much, and more importantly, without feeling heavy and bloated after each meal!

The key lies in taking some time to make a few meals at home, where you can control what ingredients you use, and make sure they are compatible with your preferred healthy diet and lifestyle - while still being holiday-themed and absolutely delicious!

And don't be shy to invite your friends/family to cook with you - its part of the holiday fun!

Here are 5 of my favorite Holiday Recipes that you, your family and friends will love - and are all gluten, dairy and preservative free, use only healthy oils, and no processed junk!

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