I wanted to share some of my best tips to help you have a healthier year in a DOABLE and SUSTAINABLE way.
The key lies in finding your happiness, destressing, and learning to enjoy more healthy foods and healthy habits that sit well with you. The idea is NOT to stress about what you haven’t done, or to do something that will cause more stress in your life. Instead, be kind with yourself this year, and know that any little steps you take will be making you healthier and deepening your sense of wellness.
Here are 10 key ways you can start improving your Health and overall Wellness this year. Choose one or two steps to start, then build your way up!
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Starting your day with a healthy breakfast helps to stabilize you, as you face the day ahead. When your blood sugar is balanced after a balanced and nutritious breakfast, you’ll feel more focused and energized. It also helps to rev up your metabolism to more effectively burn off fat and calories throughout your day. A healthy breakfast isn’t just about being low in calories; a well-balanced breakfast will provide protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats in order to give you lasting energy without spiking up your blood sugar.
Here are 4 COMMON "HEALTHY" BREAKFASTS that may be spiking your blood sugar and contributing to an afternoon energy slump, lack of concentration and more, and EASY WAYS TO FIX THEM in order for them to help you reach your health goals.
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Starting your day right with a healthy breakfast is one of the most important pillars to a healthy diet and to sustainable weight loss.
I know that most of us need a bit of carbs in our breakfast, and that’s totally fine as long as we make them HEALTHY carbs, and cut out the white starches and sugars. Even wheat bread can be inflammatory and quickly add on additional, unnecessary calories.
Here are my favorite breakfast swaps to make your breakfast healthier, lighter and more nutrient dense. Not only that, these breakfast swaps will help boost your metabolism and aid in weight loss.
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